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Katrin Bretscher 💛💙
NAFO expansion is non-negotiable /// /// she/sie
354 followers103 following1.3k posts

Achtung Übersetzungsproblem: Was du meinst, hat mehr mit dem Umgang mit persönlichen Daten / Datenschutz zu tun (engl. "safety") "Security" bezieht sich auf Datendiebstahl, Einbrechen, Hacking, Erpressung. Ich würde so eine Untersuchung eher an den psychologischen/soziologischen Ecken sehen.


Was verstehst du unter "online security" und "beurteilen"? Meinst du Cybersicherheit (Computer wird gehackt)? Sowas kann man fast nur objektiv ananlysieren auf Grund der technischen Gegebenheiten, "beurteilen" würde ich das nicht nennen - und den Zusammenhang zu Gender sehe ich gerade nicht?


Oh sure, I'm up for more surprises. It's just that I'm absolutely not surprised about the fact that Navalny was very likely poisoned.

Reposted by Katrin Bretscher 💛💙

Aus meiner Zeit bei Twitter, als ich noch regelmäßig Unternehmen unentgeltlich weitergeholfen habe.


Military grade encryption 😅


"You can't interpret my words in this way" "It's totally normal for me to act like that because your autistic way of existing really brings me to my limits" Then I thought "wow, have people always thought I was so horrible, and this is the first time I'm really getting honest feedback", yeah nah 🚩


I'm next to you in that picture, I'm the one with the slightly queasy facial expression: 🥴 Also, other people will jump on that bandwagon you just built for them and explain their unacceptable behavior with your autism (oh, wait, that's Gaslighting on their part, nevermind).

Reposted by Katrin Bretscher 💛💙

I don't mean to make fun of Navalny's suffering or death. But let's face it, he knew exactly what he was signing up for when he traveled back to Ruzzia. Putin probably would have poisoned/windowed/tea'd him elsewhere too, but he could have had a more fun time until then.

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Katrin Bretscher 💛💙
NAFO expansion is non-negotiable /// /// she/sie
354 followers103 following1.3k posts