Kate Baxter-Kauf
Class action & privacy lawyer at Lockridge Grindal Nauen. Reproductive rights, debate access, & Mac Groveland St. Paul neighborhood volunteer. West Wing & Feminist T-Shirt Friday lover. she/hers
90 followers143 following94 posts

Right! Or of Jewish people, or of Rwandans or the Kurds or the Uighurs or in Bosnia or Iraq or Afghanistan or Cambodia or any of a thousand other politically convenient or ignorable situations. It is absolutely wild to me.


Apropos of nothing I still have the 1ac intro memorized from our aff that started with "In 1994 there was a genocide in Rwanda" & I hold a permanent grudge against Madeleine Albright for saying that 5000 babies dying a month from Iraqi sanctions was "worth it" b/c I'm fun at parties.

Kate Baxter-Kauf
Class action & privacy lawyer at Lockridge Grindal Nauen. Reproductive rights, debate access, & Mac Groveland St. Paul neighborhood volunteer. West Wing & Feminist T-Shirt Friday lover. she/hers
90 followers143 following94 posts