Kate Baxter-Kauf
Class action & privacy lawyer at Lockridge Grindal Nauen. Reproductive rights, debate access, & Mac Groveland St. Paul neighborhood volunteer. West Wing & Feminist T-Shirt Friday lover. she/hers
90 followers143 following94 posts

AND ALSO I vote for democrats because they are meaningfully better on a bunch of other issues that matter to me (abortion and LGTBQIA+ rights) and try to get them farther towards what I think and functioning governance, thanks.


I'll vote for democrats basically everywhere but president because in California my vote does not matter for president so I may as well vote for a socialist I at least nominally agree with.

Kate Baxter-Kauf
Class action & privacy lawyer at Lockridge Grindal Nauen. Reproductive rights, debate access, & Mac Groveland St. Paul neighborhood volunteer. West Wing & Feminist T-Shirt Friday lover. she/hers
90 followers143 following94 posts