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Kelly Black
writer at Son of Oak Game Studio, 3pp of Vampire: The Masquerade books on Storyteller's Vault "Black is the badge of hell / The hue of dungeons and the school of night."
191 followers206 following697 posts

Yeah, I have an economics degree and very nearly pitched my capstone to be: money is a good, not just a medium of exchange for goods, because it is a technology. But I'm not sure my professors would have gone for it for just an undergrad degree.


Leverage as software. Finance... Oh, yeah... Usury. Seems we had these ideas a few decades ago, too.

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Kelly Black
writer at Son of Oak Game Studio, 3pp of Vampire: The Masquerade books on Storyteller's Vault "Black is the badge of hell / The hue of dungeons and the school of night."
191 followers206 following697 posts