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James Stark
Professor of Medical Humanities (historian of medicine and science) | ageing, germs, advertising, technology | sports, foods, gardens
259 followers246 following30 posts

A wonderful afternoon for the first Advisory Panel, convened for the major project at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Amazing work going on to engage audiences in heritage for wellbeing and revivify their incredible spaces! #histmed


In very much *not* history of science/medicine, it was lots of fun doing this earlier in the year with three other guys!

Narrowboating the LONGEST canal locks in the UK
Narrowboating the LONGEST canal locks in the UK

YouTube video by DownieLive

Reposted by James Stark

History and Philosophy of Science has entered the chat... We think that the humanities are vital for understanding the world around us. Researchers in our field set out to understand how society, science, and different forms of knowledge work together.

Study arts and humanities because you love them (and so do employers, by the way) | Xaymaca Awoyungbo
Study arts and humanities because you love them (and so do employers, by the way) | Xaymaca Awoyungbo

Students should be told the whole story: understanding languages and cultures is a huge advantage in the workplace, says writer and film director Xaymaca Awoyungbo

Reposted by James Stark

A wonderful penultimate workshop day. Did some productive writing/editing this morning (I hope!) then a “walking workshop” in nearby Royal Fort Gardens, responding to the landscape and peeking inside an outdoor artwork made from samples of 10,000 tree species.

A quotation from Albert Einstein, etched into a metal plate and mounted on wood “Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.”
Thousands of small rectangular pieces of wood glued together and suspended like a cascade

Our feedback sessions yesterday focused mainly on framing and ethics: useful platforms for editing today. We also disrupted pictures of trees in our final session. A thought-provoking exercise about violent impacts of surgery and quest for “normal”, with parallels between health and environment.

A set of modified pictures of trees, hanging on a white wall. Some are ripped, others folded, others rearranged, drawn over, or made into sculptures.

At our Bristol health/environmental humanities workshop today we’ll be sharing feedback on chapters in preparation for some editing/writing tomorrow. So privileged to be part of such an exciting group of scholars and practitioners, and to be able to offer and receive constructive comments.

Text on a sheet of paper, reading “Health and Environmental Humanities Handbook. Peer review and peer feedback process.” A black and white photograph underneath.

Sourdough pizza and pillow mist. Bristol truly outdoing itself.


Heading down to Bristol tomorrow for a few days to workshop chapters for a medical/environmental humanities handbook with fellow contributors. I’ve been assigned a fascinating draft case study on “insects” to read and reflect on in advance. Can’t wait for the discussions and chats! #histmed#medhums

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James Stark
Professor of Medical Humanities (historian of medicine and science) | ageing, germs, advertising, technology | sports, foods, gardens
259 followers246 following30 posts