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Neurospicy, quiet on social media, some flavor of ace Used to do many more things, now exhausted by just doing some Traded "basic counting & arithmetic" for a BS in applied math & stats Trying no 3rd person pronouns (ze/zem/zeir or they/them also okay)
21 followers165 following165 posts

It also kinda evolved into us giving each other "the gift of cozy" for giftgiving occasions Hoodies & blankets & bedding & plushies & things that help us feel more comfortable + get us through our respective rough patches We both have trauma re: giftgiving, so it's a friendly answer to that


Next Xmas, recalling him mentioning wanting heavier covers (but not warmer ones), I got him a weighted blanket, same kinda deal The combo was transformative, much better sleep, less heartburn, less waking up dehydrated, and in turn has helped minimize the impact of many roadbumps we've experienced


Our 2nd Xmas together, I researched a bunch and got my SO a wedge pillow (back sleeper w/ snoring/sleep apnea + chronic heartburn) Told him lemme know if he didn't like it and I'd find another use for it plus get him something else; he tried it, after ~2-3 days acclimation it helped immensely

Reposted by Kittybard

One time we bought five pounds of cereal marshmallows. Which is how we learned that that is…a VERY big bag of marshmallows

Reposted by Kittybard

Outside view:

Two kitten butts hanging out of a big cat food bin. They think it's an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Sounds like a more intense version of Justify! He "whuffles" a lot, and snores even when awake sometimes. His sinuses don't seem to work particularly well, and his sleeping positions don't always help him I tend to describe his snores as wannabe-gentle

A closer look at the sleeping catto (context shown in pic #2)
His head is upside-down and tucked under his arm, his underbite assisting his tongue with its runaway attempt
You can almost hear the wannabe-gentle snoring just by looking at the image
An orange w/white spotting cat curled up in a cat bed, his head upside-down and tucked under his arm
You can almost hear the wannabe-gentle snoring just by looking at this (slightly blurry) image

That accommodation alone helped me go from being a ~C-to-B, *extremely* inconsistent student to nearly all As and raised my class attendance rate by ~2x-3x, and if I'm entirely honest it probably saved my life


As for how "no night exams" worked, my exams started no later than I think 4:15pm, the accommodative services office scheduled it for the same day as the rest of the class took it, I couldn't leave the room or use my phone/laptop until 15+ mins after the class started their exam


I'd realized semesters started fine, but blew up around the first exams; I couldn't take my meds late enough to cover exams w/o destroying my sleep schedule I also got the standard ADHD duo of extra time + reduced distraction environment; the time was seldom consequential, the environment was great


I got 3 accommodations once I finally got shit sorted out in college The key one, which drove me to seek accommodations, was no night exams. I attended a mostly-residential private U; the captive audience meant many exams for major classes started at 7pm or 8:30pm

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Neurospicy, quiet on social media, some flavor of ace Used to do many more things, now exhausted by just doing some Traded "basic counting & arithmetic" for a BS in applied math & stats Trying no 3rd person pronouns (ze/zem/zeir or they/them also okay)
21 followers165 following165 posts