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Now I'm a BLUE dragon
Tree and bird nerd, master's student doing conservation biology, community conservation and citizen science enthusiast, volunteer, ride bikes.
190 followers149 following2.7k posts



Hmm, it's been a while since bleeding noses but that one was a doozy. Pretty solid for about 10 minutes before it started to slow down. Now my head hurts. And my mouth tastes 🤢 time to go make a cuppa methinks


Sometimes I remember that there are people who actually got to see Led Zeppelin in concert and I cry because I will never be one of them

Reposted by Now I'm a BLUE dragon

"there was little to no insulation, and the windows were single-glazed." This just describes 90% of the housing stock in Aotearoa


So I just made plans to ride with a friend tomorrow afternoon! So I have time to mentally prepare and get my car ready to put a bike in it (I always have stuff in my car so it makes it tricky to fit, have been thinking of getting a bike rack) and have external motivation. 🎉


I have been doing a lot of riding around the bays on my street bike recently because I can do that from home and like I do technically still have to get ready but it's just leggings and a jacket and I can take a drink bottle instead of my pack and it's so much easier. But I do love mountain biking.


It's just. You have put all your gear on. And get your bike in the car. And go TO the mountain bike park. And then ride which is fun but exhausting. And then you're muddy and sweaty and tired and hungry and have to clean your bike and gear and self. But my home park is opening a track in mum's name.

Reposted by Now I'm a BLUE dragon

OMFG this government! 🤬Sorry Dunedin Hospital, sorry Nelson Hospital, Sorry Tauranga Hospital, Sorry Hawkes Bay. We've decided to build a four lane road in Whangārei and an unnecessary new medical school (existing schools have capacity)

Proposal ‘does not stack up’
Proposal ‘does not stack up’

The University of Otago says the government’s proposal for a third medical school at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, "simply does not stack...


I am trying to convince myself to go mountain biking. Me, one of whose defining characteristics is 'mountain biker', trying to convince myself to go for my first proper mountain bike ride in months. Possibly all year. It's just so much effort. And it has never been the same since losing mama.

Reposted by Now I'm a BLUE dragon

“The increase in victims is likely due to rising economic pressure experienced by many New Zealanders… “

Exclusive: Here’s what we weren’t told about the recent rise in violent crime
Exclusive: Here’s what we weren’t told about the recent rise in violent crime

It’s mainly family violence, and mainly female victims.

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Now I'm a BLUE dragon
Tree and bird nerd, master's student doing conservation biology, community conservation and citizen science enthusiast, volunteer, ride bikes.
190 followers149 following2.7k posts