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Now I'm a BLUE dragon
Tree and bird nerd, master's student doing conservation biology, community conservation and citizen science enthusiast, volunteer, ride bikes.
191 followers149 following2.7k posts

Someone is BIKING on the cobham drive path at THREE IN THE MORNING and they do not have lights on tsk tsk


So now I'm super curious about what they were doing. But I'm also a little mind blown that in the utterly still night I can hear the ship that's going past in the strait ~7km away, and it's LOUD, it sounds like the trains that go by only a block away from the house I grew up in..


Okay so I got up for my nightly vigil at the window admiring the stars and the utter stillness of the bay and the moment of absolutely no movement from the world but the blinking of the lights but then I noticed someone who had driven all the way to the peir and was mucking around with a headlamp..


I just thought to myself 'it's two and a half in the morning' so now I really need to go to bed. Altho to be fair to me that is the french way of saying time and I have french on my mind. And potato fritters. Someone mentioned potato fritters earlier and I can't stop thinking about them.


Kmart has a range of cute little appliances (icecream maker, slushy machine, popcorn maker, etc) and they're so unnecessary but damn if I don't want the whole lot.. lol


Can't believe my chromecast cut out literally the SECOND the haka started, and then started working again as soon as it was finished.... like... bruh

Reposted by Now I'm a BLUE dragon

👏 “A lot of nature conservation is a long game. You plant a tree, you're not going to in your lifetime see that it reached its full potential. But within three months of that river being re-wiggled the salmon were spawning in that one kilometre stretch for the first time in over 150 years”

How restoring rivers' natural curves can prevent flooding
How restoring rivers' natural curves can prevent flooding

For centuries meandering rivers have been straightened – but experts say restoring their natural bends and curves can prevent flooding and create healthy habitats for wildlife.


David seymour on the news 'anything the brits cab do we can do' yea and the brits just voted out their regressive right wing government who did all the damage that this COC seem to be trying to replicate, soo.. be careful what you wish for, buddy..


The story on one news about setting the world record for the haka and the current holders are in france and one guy goes 'it's rubbish, the haka is our taonga, they can have something else' like... yea? Why did guinness even ever think that was like.. appropriate? It should never have been a thing?


Let's play: dig in my memory and try remember the password for the laptop I haven't used for at least two years.. I am spring cleaning which includes my tech. My old pc started up but didn't do anything (which is a bit of a pain bc there was stuff I wantee to back up on there). Laptop is.. trying.

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Now I'm a BLUE dragon
Tree and bird nerd, master's student doing conservation biology, community conservation and citizen science enthusiast, volunteer, ride bikes.
191 followers149 following2.7k posts