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K is anti murder
Dem. I block Terfs/bigots. San Franciscan who still loves my beautiful city. Pic is an undoctored photo I took 3+ yrs ago with my phone on a hike. Psychologist. I curse. Opinions mine only, obvs. Not your therapist. She/her
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Reposted by K is anti murder

Raskin on Fox being asked about Harris notes that Trump's old VP doesn't even support him and says the falling out happened "at breakneck speed."

Incident GIF
Incident GIF

ALT: Incident GIF

Reposted by K is anti murder

It's funny how prominent men have to prove again and again that they're shallow thinkers before anybody believes it and smart women have to prove every day of their lives that they aren't and get treated like they are anyway


Interesting! I didn't know that was also true in SE Asia. Scary! I hope you're right that Meta's influence is waning. I've been telling friends for yrs to avoid FB because Zuck is evil, but they've mostly seen it as a me issue. Many know he's trash but say "where else can I go?"


This is so ahistorical (I know, shocker that Elon knows nothing). Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to undocumented immigrants. The reason CA immigrants didn't all vote GOP after that is anti-immigrant prop 187 in 1994, which sought to deny access to social services and was heavily promoted by Pete Wilson.


Genuine question: aren't there countries (mostly in Africa?) that basically exclusively use Facebook and WhatsApp for financial transactions and communications? Isn't FB synonymous with "internet" in some places? It may be easy to avoid here, but in the global South? Not so much.

Reposted by K is anti murder

This is the Lower Ed Tressie's book foresaw. It never was just about for-profit insts. It was about what happens to *all* insts when the profit motive became too dominant. Heck, just compare the high-pressure marketing tactics in her book to this article. Gift link.

Students Paid Thousands for a Caltech Boot Camp. Caltech Didn’t Teach It.
Students Paid Thousands for a Caltech Boot Camp. Caltech Didn’t Teach It.

Hundreds of universities have lent their names to online programs, plugging budgets but alienating students who feel misled.


I'm grateful they got caught when they tried it again. More proof that Trump and his supporters going unpunished will just lead them to commit more crimes. I'm putting the link card here so that people can see what the article is about (it didn't load on your skeet).

Trump Gave Them a Second Chance. They Could Not Stay Out of Trouble.
Trump Gave Them a Second Chance. They Could Not Stay Out of Trouble.

A California woman facing trial on fraud charges is one of six people who received clemency during the Trump administration only to be accused of another crime.


I wish your friend the best. IME, case mgrs aren't there to help you. The ins co gave us one for daughter's chronic illness. CM tried to decrease use of hospital & ED, save $$. We wanted health. The CM tried to insert herself in decisions out of her scope to inappropriately get us to use less care ☹️


That one is a pet peeve of mine! I had the same reaction.


Yes that was almost certainly why. I just hadn't expected it. Most people I know would prefer you didn't know their dead name so you won't ever use it. She's very likeable & she likes traditionally GOP-coded activities, so I think she makes a good ambassador for trans women to some red state GOPers.

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K is anti murder
Dem. I block Terfs/bigots. San Franciscan who still loves my beautiful city. Pic is an undoctored photo I took 3+ yrs ago with my phone on a hike. Psychologist. I curse. Opinions mine only, obvs. Not your therapist. She/her
453 followers1k following1.5k posts