Kris Abrams
I care deeply about nature and all who live here. Unapologetic animist. Passionate about indigenous AND scientific knowledge, bringing wholeness to a broken, unjust world. Psychotherapist & shamanic practitioner. Former snr producer of Democracy Now
22 followers39 following101 posts

Unfortunately they're not ready to be that radical. Most of them still think power resides in the center, as is evidenced by Kamala's drift in that direction . :(


Yes, thanks Bill Clinton.


"Or consider cable news, which has experienced an enormous upsurge in audience throughout the Trump years. Figures... show that the combined prime-time audience of CNN, MSNBC and Fox News rose from about 3.1 million in 2015 to nearly 7.2 million in 2020."

For Five Years, Trump Outrage Has Fueled Media Profits. So Now What?
For Five Years, Trump Outrage Has Fueled Media Profits. So Now What?

The Trump era may have been good for the business of journalism, at least on the national level. But it may not have been so good for the practice of journalism.


"Growth has been equally impressive at The Post — from perhaps 100,000 to 200,000 in early 2016, according to an estimate by the newspaper industry analyst Ken Doctor, to 1 million at the end of 2017, to 3 million in November 2020, Axios reported..."


I've been wondering whether we can really boil it down to profit motive, so I did a quick search. Apparently we can... "Between early 2017 and November 2020, The Times’ digital circulation grew from about 2 million to more than 7 million...:


You would hope the NYT would learn from the mistakes in their past, but apparently they have not. They failed to interview plenty of available, expert sources who said we would find no WMDs in Iraq... and going back further...

The New York Times' first article about Hitler's rise is absolutely stunning
The New York Times' first article about Hitler's rise is absolutely stunning


I appreciate you sharing this guest column, as it provides a vital perspective! But we've got to hold the NYT and other media outlets accountable for trying to *appear* even-handed but in reality failing to portray Trump's fascism *in the A-section, the news reporting...


I've read a lot of critique of the NYT here. So far, you're the only one I've seen mentioning violence or using heated rhetoric like "bloodsport." Further, the critique I've seen is not of the opinions, which as you say, rightly represent many view points. The critique is of the news reporting...

Kris Abrams
I care deeply about nature and all who live here. Unapologetic animist. Passionate about indigenous AND scientific knowledge, bringing wholeness to a broken, unjust world. Psychotherapist & shamanic practitioner. Former snr producer of Democracy Now
22 followers39 following101 posts