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Kurtis Hanlon, PhD
A lecturer in premodern Japanese Language and Literature at Yale University. Researching literature, especially waka, and its intersection with play. Designated departmental baker (he/him)
121 followers175 following339 posts

Tbh, I was maybe going to use her death as an excuse to bow out of the six-person party since I'm kinda busy. But I guess the dice gods see something in her character and the growth she's made enough to keep her around. She now has a harengon knight who has sworn fealty to her.


Playing in a Curse of Strahd campaign for the first time, and I made a character built more for articulation and deception than fighting, the wife of a business mogul who ran his empire behind the scenes. Today she was one of two to survive a potential TPK with 5 death saves and only 1 fail.


Sunday baking: cheesecake brownies!

A tray of cheesecake brownies sits cooling on a stove. The off white of the cheesecake is swirled with the chocolate of the brownies below.

I should probably find a local platelet donation center and start putting it into my rotation again. I miss donating with Japan's Red Cross. They would give you a full blood work print out as a thank you for donating!


Also amazing. I didn't come to appreciate Hook until later, but I was 6 when Secret Garden came out, so I still have memories of watching the VHS.


Baw, that's sad to hear of the passing of Maggie Smith. I know a lot of people know of her most from Downton Abbey or as Prof. McGonagle, but my most formative experience with her as an actress was for her performance in the 1993 movie The Secret Garden. I'll be watching that in her memory tonight.


I need to get a bike. These busses are unreliable.


This listening session is so white. It's infuriating to see people keep basically repeating "I don't want my leaders to speak for me, so we should limit them." Or "we should just have the institution shut up and stick to education." How can you not see how they're connected?


At a "listening session" for the "Committee for Institutional Voice" today, going to do my darndest to share my opinion that limiting how institutional voice can be used is a bad idea. I get why "neutrality" seems like a "safe" position, but I also know it's the morally bankrupt one.


Anyway, I'll get the application in because "blaugh, the state of academia" and I need a job. But it's just disheartening that the threat of financial insecurity is such a strong deterrent to taking a bolder stand.

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Kurtis Hanlon, PhD
A lecturer in premodern Japanese Language and Literature at Yale University. Researching literature, especially waka, and its intersection with play. Designated departmental baker (he/him)
121 followers175 following339 posts