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Kvetch & Release
A little uncool and a little uncouth
368 followers331 following3.1k posts

It seems especially weird to insist that abolishing the monarchy should require a popular vote when establishing the monarchy didn't.

Reposted by Kvetch & Release

RIP Kris Kristofferson. In his honor, I’m bringing a classic over from Twitter. This is from a 2009 Rolling Stone profile of Kristofferson written by Ethan Hawke. Toby Keith’s name was blinded as “the Star” in this wild anecdote from Willie Nelson’s 70th birthday concert.

Up from the basement came one of country music's brightest stars (who shall remain nameless). At that moment in time, the Star had a monster radio hit about bombing America's enemies back into the Stone Age.
"Happy birthday," the Star said to Willie, breezing by us. As he passed Kristofferson in one long, confident stride, out of the corner of his mouth came "None of that lefty shit out there tonight, Kris."
"What the luck did you just say to me?" Kris growled, stepping forward.
"Oh, no," groaned Willie under his breath.
"Don't get Kris all riled up."
"You heard me," the Star said, walking away in the darkness.
"Don't turn your back to me, boy," Kristofferson shouted, not giving a shit that basically the entire music industry seemed to be flanking him.
The Star turned around: "I don't want any problems, Kris - I just want you to tone it down."
"You ever worn your country's uniform?" Kris asked rhetorically.
"Don't 'What?' me, boy! You heard the question. You just don't like the answer." He paused just long enough to get a full chest of air. "I asked, 'Have you ever served your country?' The answer is, no, you have not. Have you ever killed another man? Huh? Have you ever taken
you have not. Have you ever killed another man? Huh? Have you ever taken
another man's life and then cashed the check your country gave you for doing it?
No, you have not. So shut the fuck up!" I could feel his body pulsing with anger next to me. "You don't know what the hell you are talking about!"
"Whatever," the young Star muttered.
Ray Charles stood motionless. Willie Nelson looked at me and shrugged mischievously like a kid in the back of the classroom.
Kristofferson took a deep inhale and leaned against the wall, still vibrating with adrenaline. He looked over at Willie as if to say, "Don't say a word." Then his eyes found me.
"You know what Waylon Jennings said about guys like him?" he whispered.
I shook my head.
"They're doin' to country music what pantyhose did to finger-fuckin'"
Reposted by Kvetch & Release

i hope this email doesn't find you. i hope email never finds you again and you are free

Reposted by Kvetch & Release

One of my single biggest complaints about mainstream American antiZionism is it so often does a piss poor job of gatekeeping ZOG shit out of their rhetoric and spaces; which winds up only hurting their cause and objectives because they can’t realistically shake the antisemitism charges!

Reposted by Kvetch & Release

This is SUUUUUPER classic veiled antisemitism and if you can’t clock it then you should really think about how much of an asset to the peace movement you can be if you’re uneducated enough to let this shit fly in your circles.


I wish it were true.

Reposted by Kvetch & Release
Reposted by Kvetch & Release
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Kvetch & Release
A little uncool and a little uncouth
368 followers331 following3.1k posts