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Jack Saint
he/him exclusive access to a youtubers opinions
4.5k followers106 following679 posts

is this about the veggie bacon again


on this morning's episode of "guys trying to work out some personal problems in the skyler white video comment section"

Say what you will about Walt, but I feel Skyler is a more insidious evil than he could ever be. She's the type of person to break you down piece by piece until your a submissive servant. She doesn't view her family as family - but as extensions of herself as evidenced by her constant neglect of them.

me, scrutinising capitalism: sure you can say they got a lot of people killed, but if it wasn't for them thanos would have wiped us all out


don't recall any point in the video where I suggest bigotry exists because of capitalism (though it's pretty uncontroversial to say it can be capitalised on), but I guess it's hard to think straight once you've heard someone suggest capitalism is more than the flawed protagonist of history

Reserved Duex 4d Henry George
Oh for sure. I really want to just give them the Mark Corrigan rant:
And listen, while we're at it, there are systems for a reason in this world. Economic stability. Interest rates. Growth. It's not all a conspiracy to keep you in little boxes, all right? It's only the miracle of consumer capitalism that means you're not lying in your own shit, dying at 43 with rotten teeth.

r/neoliberal not big fans of me stopping for 5 minutes to point out that the billionaire getting a global platform to smear people with lies while critics of things she actually said are silenced with legal threats, may have something to do with our economic system

Reserved Duex 4d
Henry George
I checked out Jack Saint's video on JK Rowling's transphobia and for about half of it I was actually somewhat interested. Until I got to the half way point and he started to rant about capitalism being the reason why people are bigoted and then I got bored and stopped watching.
I'm perfectly fine with criticisms of capitalism. In fact, I think it's an economic model that does warrant scrutiny. So I don't want to come off as though I got mad my beloved capitalism had mean things said about it.
However, I can also tell when "criticisms of
capitalism" don't belong and are just a blatantly lazy shoehorn to complete a meandering video with half-assed analysis. And this video certainly reeked of that.

you know, an ftl style game with rimworld base building mechanics and colonist needs (food/sleep/relationships) where you could just keep upgrading and expanding your ship into some giant citybase with dozens of officers/families, would probably be the best game ever made


you know there never was a big secret group chat of breadtubers plotting together but honestly that sounds like it would've been kind of nice, pretty cosy


large forehead, square head, similar haircut. please can we stop doing this bit now


kill me. kill me. kill me. kill me.

Keir Starmer: We can
make London the AI
capital of the world. The opportunities to create wealth are endless

trying to remind myself how annoying the endless outrage over abby was so I can be less annoyed at the people who just read that one vice article and then say shit like this

Feeling SO vindicated for never having played it and always being a hater of this series holy SHIT
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Jack Saint
he/him exclusive access to a youtubers opinions
4.5k followers106 following679 posts