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Madi Haab 🇵🇸🍉
your friendly neighbourhood bog mermaid 🐚 words in Hexagon Magazine and Haven Spec Magazine, and forthcoming in Augur Magazine ✒️ queer, autistic, half-MENA. she/her, elle/la.
109 followers242 following353 posts
Reposted by Madi Haab 🇵🇸🍉

The more reading I've done on attention economy and neuroscience, warmer I've become to idea of 100% curating your experience of the world so you can focus on doing the work that matters most to you. We challenge each other to "engage" and "be engaged" but with... EVERYTHING. And that doesn't work

Reposted by Madi Haab 🇵🇸🍉

Oh I remember which piece it was now! It was this one from my art book Mermaid Hues

Mermaid and her girlfriend from the art book Mermaid Hues #art

all printed and ready to go to my sensitivity reader 👀 glad she's thicc after all the years of toil and tears I poured into this brick, but I really should have had it printed double sided 😂

a hard copy of a manuscript titled "Where Spider Lilies Bloom" on a desk, with miscellaneous items around it.
the same manuscript viewed from the side, showing that it's about 1,5 inch thick. it is a little thicker than the glass part of the bottle of nail polish that has been put next to it for comparison.
Reposted by Madi Haab 🇵🇸🍉

A poor man's attempt at photographing last night's partial lunar eclipse. Doesn't do the sharpness and detail justice. Gotta get one of those cellphone rigs for my telescope 🔭 Considering I got the telescope used for $50, the rig will probably cost more 😉

Reposted by Madi Haab 🇵🇸🍉

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Reposted by Madi Haab 🇵🇸🍉

We love our indie, DIY, and grassroots publishers! We see so much work from lesser-known publishers and authors, and our readers, and our reviewers love to discover those little-known gems. Submission guidelines for reviews here:


three years ago I bought myself a gift certificate as a reward for finishing the rewrite of my novel, and I completely forgot I'd included a note 🥹 thank you, past me

A white page printed with a message in serif font that reads: "Hey awesome, you made it!!! How does it feel to have finished WSLB at last? All the years of effort have paid off, and now it's time to bask in the sweet sweet glow of accomplishment. You ROCK and don't you forget it! ❤️❤️❤️"
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Madi Haab 🇵🇸🍉
your friendly neighbourhood bog mermaid 🐚 words in Hexagon Magazine and Haven Spec Magazine, and forthcoming in Augur Magazine ✒️ queer, autistic, half-MENA. she/her, elle/la.
109 followers242 following353 posts