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40-something Native Detroiter. Currently in suburban Flint. Have lived the city, rural, and suburban life. MSU Spartan alum. Father. Baseball fan. Generally left-wing, pro-labor politics.
74 followers72 following446 posts

For me this is not only a truth but I look to history as a guide: I would argue LBJ was the best President post-FDR and he was undone by Vietnam. This not only plunged U.S. domestic politics into decades of Hell, but didn’t stop the war for another 6 years, and we later learned (1/ )


that LBJ had been on the cusp of ending the war and it was undone by Nixon as a campaign ploy. Just a massive all-round L. I would argue that Biden is the best post-LBJ Pres, & now we’re staring down the same kind of thing w/Gaza. We can’t fall decades behind for no reason again. We can’t. (2/2)

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40-something Native Detroiter. Currently in suburban Flint. Have lived the city, rural, and suburban life. MSU Spartan alum. Father. Baseball fan. Generally left-wing, pro-labor politics.
74 followers72 following446 posts