Lauren Hall-Lew
Professor of Sociolinguistics at the University of Edinburgh. Anti-racist, pro-trans, Gàidhlig learner, BSL learner, musician, Trekkie, dysthymic, bleeding-heart cynic. She/her.
470 followers408 following146 posts
Reposted by Lauren Hall-Lew

Working with Taylor & Francis is simply unethical by this point. It’s unfortunately difficult to have AI use revoked from existing contracts but at least try, complain, if you have a book with them. And otherwise do not even consider.


Good job!

Reposted by Lauren Hall-Lew

finally, a higher ed opinion piece about “college as job prep” written from a student perspective. worth reading. gift link.

Opinion | Careerism Is Ruining College
Opinion | Careerism Is Ruining College

Economic anxieties are generating crushing pre-professional pressure on campuses, destroying college life and damaging students’ mental health.

Reposted by Lauren Hall-Lew

Like if you’re worried about children and the declining US population, maybe start by addressing the fact that 1/3 of birthing parents don’t have access to local obstetric care and lowering our hideous infant mortality rates would lead to having more people.

Reposted by Lauren Hall-Lew

In other science reform implosion news, the contested article including OSF & Data Colada authors on how preregistration & other rigor-enhanching practices led to high observed replicability (the one that couldn't produce its own preregistration) was just retracted

RETRACTED ARTICLE: High replicability of newly discovered social-behavioural findings is achievable - Nature Human Behaviour
RETRACTED ARTICLE: High replicability of newly discovered social-behavioural findings is achievable - Nature Human Behaviour

Four labs discovered and replicated 16 novel findings with practices such as preregistration, large sample sizes and replication fidelity. Their findings suggest that with best practices, high replica...

Lauren Hall-Lew
Professor of Sociolinguistics at the University of Edinburgh. Anti-racist, pro-trans, Gàidhlig learner, BSL learner, musician, Trekkie, dysthymic, bleeding-heart cynic. She/her.
470 followers408 following146 posts