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Liza Mazel
Therapist, writer type, armchair activist, kvetch. Raised from early adulthood by Internet wolves. Warning: squees at cats. IMPORTANT UPDATE: I also like cute doggos
1.2k followers2.2k following15.5k posts

I mean, I WOULD be down with the idea of karma if we had an extremely small, targeted hurricane that ripped Mar-A-Shithole away to Oz and took DeathSantis with it. alas, that's not a thing.


though now I'm thinking of it, I -feel- like I remember this one time lightning struck the church of a raving far right fuckwit preacher/whatever and burned it down. And if it isn't true, it ought to be.

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Liza Mazel
Therapist, writer type, armchair activist, kvetch. Raised from early adulthood by Internet wolves. Warning: squees at cats. IMPORTANT UPDATE: I also like cute doggos
1.2k followers2.2k following15.5k posts