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Lyndsie Manusos
She/Her | Assoc. Flash Editor at JMWW Journal | Fiction in/forthcoming in, F&SF, The Deadlands, Lightspeed, etc. | Senior Contrib for Book Riot | Rep: Eric Showers at Morhaim Literary | FROM THESE DARK ABODES forthcoming in 2024 from Psychopomp
890 followers680 following250 posts
Reposted by Lyndsie Manusos

Hey Bluesky! Hit me up with the most recent book, story, song, or other piece of art you loved that was created by a trans person. Let's boost some trans creators today.

Reposted by Lyndsie Manusos

Echoing Nico here, the newsletter is pure transphobic brain rot. It's not worth your time. There is no rational or scientific basis for transphobia. It's just bigotry. The field has numerous trans and nonbinary authors whose work would be a better use of your time. Trans siblings? I love you.

Reposted by Lyndsie Manusos

E Lily Yu has posted what I find to be a horribly transphobic diatribe (I refuse to link to it but I'll note as someone with a masters that includes statistical analysis and data processing, that I believe her analysis of the sources is flawed/her sources aren't reliable). Ugh.

Reposted by Lyndsie Manusos

I also take objection with the implication in the post that if you don't share her opinion by the end of it, you're bad at maths. I don't often play this card but: I graduated from one of the top scientific schools of France, read the article, and I still disagree with her conclusions. So there.


I saw it yesterday and was shocked and disgusted by it. Her book will not be listed.

Reposted by Lyndsie Manusos

Also, make your own choices, but I would not advise trans women to read the substack post. It is extremely dehumanizing and smug, and I think you can just skip it.

Reposted by Lyndsie Manusos

Everybody I know has been fairly blindsided by this, so maybe this is going to ring hollow, but I want trans women entering SFF to know that lots of us are in camp "fuck off, terfs." The transphobes don't speak for us.

Reposted by Lyndsie Manusos

It is extremely sad to see that a luminary of SFF short fiction has revealed herself to be deeply and viciously transphobic, and specifically transmisogynist. I'm just so sorry for all of us, but especially the trans people in SFF who had considered her a colleague and friend.

Reposted by Lyndsie Manusos
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Lyndsie Manusos
She/Her | Assoc. Flash Editor at JMWW Journal | Fiction in/forthcoming in, F&SF, The Deadlands, Lightspeed, etc. | Senior Contrib for Book Riot | Rep: Eric Showers at Morhaim Literary | FROM THESE DARK ABODES forthcoming in 2024 from Psychopomp
890 followers680 following250 posts