Rob Wilton
18 followers13 following6 posts

Good numbers of terns passing south/feeding offshore this evening. Managed to pick out 6 Black Terns amongst the 600+ terns seen. Surprisingly, no skuas. The only other bird of note was a Greenshank.


At one point last night there were 100+ Common Tern ant-catching with the Med Gulls over the Denes. It's been years since I've seen terns do that! Several groups also flew south over land.


I was pretty sure I had a couple of Black Terns go past here with a group of common, last night, but they were a bit too far out. Just had a much closer one, lingering with a group of feeding Common Tern.


Black Tern feeding close inshore with a group of c50 Common Terns off Lowestoft North Beach/Gunton Beach.


Lowestoft North Denes: 5 Whinchat (there weren't any at 17.30 y'day), Hobby, Yellow Wagtail & Tree Pipit sth + Lapwing in off. Noticeable increase in Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Dunnock. First 2 Whitethroat for several days. Chiff and Whitethroat at Ness Point.


Autumn is underway here in Lowestoft with 3 Pied Flycatchers seen at Dip Farm, Gunton late evening.

Rob Wilton
18 followers13 following6 posts