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Anne Lutz Fernandez
Former banker, marketer, & English teacher: pick your ad hominem. Co-author of nonfiction books Carjacked & Schooled. Cranky in the morning. Substack:
675 followers532 following1.6k posts

And, I'm sorry, any argument for marriage and kids that fails to mention the RW project to strip women of bodily autonomy, ban gay marriage, and ban contraception is suspect.

Making Marriage Miserable Again
Making Marriage Miserable Again

The Far Right Wants Us in Matrimony Something Awful


Like, how do you write this paragraph when Americans across the country are being denied choice and an election in a matter of weeks could remove the choice from all?

Today, having children is a choice rather than an expectation, and more women are deciding that the trade-offs are too great in light of competing life goals. If you can’t have it all, which many women feel they can’t, then a choice must be made, and having children comes to be seen increasingly as a zero-sum consideration.
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Anne Lutz Fernandez
Former banker, marketer, & English teacher: pick your ad hominem. Co-author of nonfiction books Carjacked & Schooled. Cranky in the morning. Substack:
675 followers532 following1.6k posts