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Mama Roxy
38 | she/her | Rated 🔞 for strong language, comic sex, and crude violence | upstate NY | the games industry exploits labor and destroys the lives of developers to make your favorite games | 🏳️‍⚧️ trans futch | aro, poly, pan, single | big kitty
424 followers357 following7k posts

Fun fact: he was always like this. Every set he's worked on has had complaints that he can't keep his evangelical christianity in his pants for more than five seconds.


yep basically every jackass like this guy has been a jackass for their entire lives, but only get noticed now after their jackassery isn't being kept under wraps by some overworked Hollywood agent


I hear that's a great way to keep being hired. It worked out great for jim caviezel.

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Mama Roxy
38 | she/her | Rated 🔞 for strong language, comic sex, and crude violence | upstate NY | the games industry exploits labor and destroys the lives of developers to make your favorite games | 🏳️‍⚧️ trans futch | aro, poly, pan, single | big kitty
424 followers357 following7k posts