Manny Quinn
I have message board accounts old enough to buy beer. Shy, not antisocial.
5 followers109 following12 posts

I prefer gallery site to stream sites. I've found more artists by looking through someone's faces than anything else. Frequently when I see a work I like I want to see more of it. Gallery sites are "We got you, chief! Here's their collection." Steam sites make it difficult. Especially with old works


Socials kill art. Everything starts being the same and formatted only so it looks good at phone size. folks will actually unfollow folks for re-posting art on socials. like why are they even following in the first place. " I wanna see your art!" "AUGH I am seeing your art AGAIN, fuck!!!"

Manny Quinn
I have message board accounts old enough to buy beer. Shy, not antisocial.
5 followers109 following12 posts