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Scaryanne Denton 🎃🧡💚
builder of community via water infrastructure | living a technicolor life in a B&W world | naturalist • explorer • observer | defender of democracy | still a scientist | 2 hrs/day
2.5k followers505 following4.4k posts

Hi. Hey. Looks like new folks are joining me on my micro- & macro- adventures. Grateful to share with you. My motto-motivations are: Change your focus, change your life. & If I love it, I want you to love it, too. ~•~ Sedgesitter (Platycheirus) on sagebrush (not a sedge but we land where we can).

A darkish fly with a metallic sheen perched on a sagebrush leaf. It is a side view with large dark red eyes, abdomen slightly curled in and wings flat against it back. There appears to be a bristle appearance over the body.

You’ll also find me far too poetic about the entirety of the cosmos - near & far. L- Eupeodes, a hoverfly, on Golden Poppy. R- Helix Nebula, a planetary nebula. These photos are the same thing just arranged differently. All that we are -elements, particles, charges- are the same here as out there.

A hoverfly or flowerfly licking nectar off of the stamens in an orange poppy. The fly has a black and yellow abdomen and large reddish eye. There’s two tiny antennae on its head.
The Helix planetary nebula through an astrophotography telescope 

a type of emission nebula consisting of an expanding, glowing shell of ionized gas ejected from red giant stars late in their lives.

Sometimes Sedge is more a state of mind.

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Scaryanne Denton 🎃🧡💚
builder of community via water infrastructure | living a technicolor life in a B&W world | naturalist • explorer • observer | defender of democracy | still a scientist | 2 hrs/day
2.5k followers505 following4.4k posts