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Orpheus Condescending
Rage, rage against the Lying of the Right Yes, I'm in wikipedia😏 Writer/Actress Sober 11/96 Born '68 Feed: Fais ce que tu voudra␚
7.5k followers9.3k following61.2k posts

It's SELFIE SUNDAY, Bluetopia! Today I celebrate SIX THOUSAND FOLLOWERS (give or take a few). You know what THAT means: A 4 PANEL SELFIE POST! It IS, after all, TRADITION. Who am I to fuck with tradition? Besides, I'll take any excuse to do this. This account is Narcissism Central, after all.🥸

Me, sweaty & exhausted on a break from a morning run this week. OR AM I GLOWING? Hair a mess - took it out of the ponytail and the hat for the selfie - what I do for love. Not fond of direct sunlight, it shows all my wrinkles & pores, but FUCK IT, I'm 56 & look pretty fucking good regardless. Didn't think so A YEAR AGO when I joined Bluesky (my anniversary is July 4th, darling Bluetopians, can you believe that shit?)... A year ago, selfies were anathema to me, photos of me in general were something I avoided like the proverbial Covid. HATED seeing myself in photographic form. In mirrors, for that matter. For an actress, that's rather ironic, I know, for I am nothing if not a classic narcissist, at least when it comes to my looks. Don't ask, it's an absurd paradox. Self-centered self-loathing. A piece of shit around which the world revolves. Dysmorphia, but obsessed. An anorexic who thinks about nothing but food. Nothing too unique about that, really. Progress has been made, however.🥰
Pulling on the collar of an ill-conceived choice of clothing for a run on a VERY humid morning; thin fabric or not, a black long-sleeved hoodie, even at 6am, is NOT GREAT, BOB. The placid look on my face belies the great discomfiture I feel at the moment the camera snaps. That's JUST HOW GOOD AN ACTRESS I AM, darlin'. The sun rising behind the trees  over the fence just past my left shoulder looks great, huh? In the past couple years since I began these daily treks (which started with one 5 minute MS-riddled struggle to the end of my block, with a WALKER), I've become more adept at taking INTERESTING pictures. I started taking them at the suggestion of a friend who thought it might distract me from the pain & boredom discouraging me as each day I moaned on Facebook about how much it HURT & how HARD & LONELY & BORING my morning walks were... All 15 minutes of them, at first. Then 20, 30, 45...Till last fall, when they became hour-long, 5 mile runs. VICTORY!🥳
Stopping in the middle of a walk in the middle of a street to take a fucking selfie staring up into your camera isn't exactly the SMARTEST thing to do, genius, especially wearing AirPods blasting AC/DC, even if your Mona Lisa smile IS beatific as fuck. Well, I was feeling myself last week; I alternate days walking & running now, since overdoing it a while back & being forced to go on bedrest for a while; scared the shit out of me. NO WAY will I return to living in bed. Did it for the better part of a DECADE when MS was at its worst; the meds I'm on have put me in what is, basically, remission - & I refuse to let that go to waste. So... MODERATION it is. Which includes diet; I lost 100 pounds over the last two years, & that was fucking hard... Almost as hard was admitting I'd GAINED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. Lying in bed immobilised by pain for a decade, after a lifetime of anorexia? Easy to get fat. Nevertheless, I FEEL SHAME. Of course. I am FEMALE ON EARTH.😡
Me in one of my Very Large Hats last week, standing outside my Dark Blue Front Door, wearing a Dark Blue Sundress, looking Very Self-Satisfied. Why am I capitalising everything? Oh, why the fuck not? I'm actually FOUR FOLLOWERS SHORT of that 6K mark, you know. I'm prematurely jubilating. What can I say - I'm just a WILD & CRAZY RULE BREAKER. So. Here we are. And in a couple weeks, I celebrate my Bluesky 1st birthday, anniversary, whatever. Where WILL life have taken me by then? Will I be a sobbing mess because of some tragic love affair that's all taken place in that liminal space of the soundwave & cyber age? A raging typhoon of righteous fury over the latest right wing fuckitude? A despondent Eeyore, certain we're all doomed & there's no point to any of this? Or will I be my usual perky Pollyanna self, quick with a chirpy, cheerful, chipper greeting for one & all as I maniacally REPOST everything I've ever written or slapped together here...? Tune in & see, my darlings.Till then...😎

Stunning, as always!


Aaaand... THERE IT IS. 6000 Followers on June 23rd, 2024. I'M SO SPECIAL. What's it mean? Aside from the fact there are evidently THOUSANDS of insane people on Bluesky... It means I can get into the backstage area of Bluesky ANYTIME I WANT, motherfuckers. HAH! Jealous?

My profile pic, my screenname, Orpheus Condescending, my Bluesky address, and... 6000 Followers.

(Also 8786 Following, but I don't like that number, it's not only not a big round number, it;s not even prime. My OCD is going nuts looking at it. Sometimes I'm tempted to go through the people I follow to CULL enough of them to make the two numbers look more complementary... But I don't think I have the patience. So I just TRY not to look. But it RANKLES my goddamned OCD something FIERCE.)

5999. Who will be the lucky 6,000th? What will the door prize BE? Hmm. NAKED PICS! Hah. Of my CAT, maybe.

Screenshot of my profile pic and the #of followers beneath it: 5999 (also the # I follow - 8784. I follow back everyone who follows me, and I followed a few thousand besides).

Always shocks me to hear someone HASN'T been reading my ALT Text. Like... why are you HERE? That's where the JUICE is, baby.


ALT Text: CLICK THE IMAGE. There’s text beneath it. CLICK THE TEXT- the entire text appears. That’s how this works.


I may have to wait a bit...I've been growing my hair out and it has changed my appearance somewhat.


Delightful 😍


100 lbs? Impressed. And here's me feeling smug about 40 👍


Congratulations 🍾🎉🎊🎈 on 6k+/- followers 🍾🎈🎉🎊


all sexy but that first one is spectacularly sexy

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Orpheus Condescending
Rage, rage against the Lying of the Right Yes, I'm in wikipedia😏 Writer/Actress Sober 11/96 Born '68 Feed: Fais ce que tu voudra␚
7.5k followers9.3k following61.2k posts