Mask bloc St Louis
Providing FREE masks for our communities. Mask bloc for the greater St Louis, Missouri metro area ------------------------------------- Not an active account. Find us on Twitter or Instagram for updated information
34 followers17 following30 posts

Masks arrived in St Louis today! From here most will travel on to Minneapolis, Chicago, Champaign-Urbana, Grand Rapids, Indianapolis, Cinncinnati, Kansas City, Nashville, Knoxville, and Tulsa!


We are so close to our goal! Thank you to everyone who has donated and shared! This is to get over hundreds of thousands of masks to over 30 mask blocs around the U.S.

Big, bold white text at the top says "goal: $18,000" on top of a photo of palettes of boxes that say "3M," tinted with a gradient from pink st the top left to purple st the bottom right. 
smaller text below it says "For 300,000+ KN95s via government surplus"
there's a white oval below it with black text saying ""
to the right is a white thermometer graphic labeled "$4k, $8k, $12k, $16k" from bottom to top, with tick marks halfway between each. the pink core of the thermometer indicates $15,000 raised so far. 
there's a charcoal black box across the bottom of the image. big bold white text at the bottom left says "mask bloc fundraiser." smaller text above it says "to be distributed for free by 30+ groups in 14+ states"
there's a cut out photo of a white kn95 mask above this text to the right

Updated fundraiser goal! More blocs and more transportation means more costs to cover, but also more communities receiving free masks! GFM:

Flyer with berry red background and an orange and white color scheme. Text at the top says ā€œMask Fundraiser. Joint mask bloc effort (30+ blocs). Bulk discount on high-quality KN95s at surplus sale.ā€ Teal green arrows point to text encircled for emphases, the text says ā€œnew goal: $18,000 to cover purchase and transit for ~360,000 masksā€

Underneath is an image of a large metal shipping container with 10 big visible cardboard boxes. Next to that is an illustration of a hand holding a white respirator with earloop straps that shows the text ā€œkn95 gb2626-2019.ā€

Near the bottom of the flyer theres a button that says "donate" with a computer cursor hovering over the button. Next to that, text reads ā€œdonate: Now involving over 30 cities! To be distributed for free to all of our communities.ā€ Asterisks mentioned at top of flyer are resolved here, with an asterisk next to text that says ā€œPortion of money also goes toward transport and associated costs.ā€
Flyer with red, orange, and white color scheme. Text at the top says ā€œMask Fundraiser. Joint mask bloc effort (30+ blocs). Bulk discount on high-quality KN95s at surplus sale. Mask blocs involved:

Mask Bloc DC 
S.W.A.M.P. Central FL
Mask Bloc Palm Beach
Mask Bloc 229
Chicago Collective Air
Chicago Mask Bloc
Indy Mask Bloc
Mask Bloc 616 
Mask Bloc MSP
816 COVID Crew
Mask Bloc St Louis
CLT Mask Bloc
Triangle Mask Bloc
Mask Bloc NYC
Mask Bloc 516
Mask Bloc 631
Safe Air Project
Mask Together Capital Region
Cincy for Crip Futures
Mask Bloc Tulsa
Clean Air Knoxville
Nashville Mask4Mask
Free Mask Bloc 757
Mask Bloc NOVA
+ more..ā€

At the bottom right thereā€™s an illustration of a hand holding a white respirator with earloop straps that shows the text ā€œkn95 gb2626-2019.ā€ Text at the bottom says ā€œmasks to be distributed for free in our respective communities.ā€

Happy trans day of visibility! Trans people are disproportionately impacted by COVID, and are at higher risks for complications of COVID - including long COVID - than cis people. Show your solidarity for our trans selves and siblings today and every day by wearing your masks šŸ˜·

Reposted by Mask bloc St Louis

"It is painful beyond imagination that so many- even close loved ones- are perfectly happy to cosplay normal even if that normal involves vulnerable groupsā€™ long-term exclusion from public spaces. It is grief on top of injustice on top of dangerous physical harm."

Disabled people's exclusion from indoor spaces is a civil rights violation, not an annoyance
Disabled people's exclusion from indoor spaces is a civil rights violation, not an annoyance

NPR tacitly endorses the removal of Long COVID sufferers from public life


We are fundraising with other blocs to purchase 288,000 3M 9501+ KN95 masks from a government auction! Our goal is $9,000 for the bid price, fees, and shipping from Virginia to mask blocs across the country. That puts the price at about 3 cents per mask!

Big, bold white text at the top says "goal: $9,000" on top of a turquoise-tinted photo of palettes of boxes that say "3M."
smaller text below it says "For 288,000 KN95s via govt auction by March 20th."
there's a white oval below it with black text saying ""
to the right is a white thermometer graphic labeled "$2k, $4k, $6k, $8k" with tick marks halfway between each, going up the shaft. the red core of the thermometer indicates about $300 raised so far.
there's a charcoal black box across the bottom of the image. Big bold white text at the bottom left says "mask bloc fundraiser." Smaller text above it lists "Mask Bloc STL, Mask Bloc NOVA, Covid Safe Champaign-Urbana, Mask Bloc DC, Mask Bloc NYC, Crip Futures Cincy, Fight Covid NOLA" with round bullets between each.

Monday March 4 was Covid Memorial Day. We can think of no better way to honor the dead and fight for the living than to make high quality respirators accessible to all people free of charge.

Reposted by Mask bloc St Louis

CDC says

Image: photo in the style of Marie Antoinette, a wealthy white woman lounges with her eyes closed among platters of desserts and cake while a kneeling maid attend to her feet. Text reads: "Let Them Work Sick"

The auction got more popular than we expected, but we did end up purchasing 77,440 3M Aura respirator masks! And we are funded to get them from the auction back to StL. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed! This is a huge win for us (and a few other mask blocs we're sharing with)!


We're fundraising to purchage a huge number of N95s from a government auction! Our goal is $3,000 to go to the purchase, transportation, and storage of masks. The masks will also be shared with other mask blocs. To contribute, venmo Elizabeth-Schwartz-20 with "bulk masks" in the description.

White text on a dark blue gradient background reads:
Bulk Purchase Fundraising
We are raising money to purchase 175,000 respirators (masks) from a government auction. Money will go to purchase, as well as fees for transportation & storage.
To contribute, venmo:
and put ā€œbulk masksā€ in the description

A sticker on the side says "Goal: $3,000"
Mask bloc St Louis
Providing FREE masks for our communities. Mask bloc for the greater St Louis, Missouri metro area ------------------------------------- Not an active account. Find us on Twitter or Instagram for updated information
34 followers17 following30 posts