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Mathieu Fenniak
Open Source Software Developer. My hobbies include poorly maintaining too many bicycles, running too far, GM-ing TTRPGs, and, well, more software development obviously. #yyc #yycbike #cycling #running #linux #nixos #opensource #dnd #ttrpg
8 followers103 following15 posts

It is typically used for low-memory deployments -- I think Ubuntu and Fedora deploy with a default zram size of 50% of your available RAM, these days. But your mileage may vary! $50 for more RAM is a better option. 🤣


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Mathieu Fenniak
Open Source Software Developer. My hobbies include poorly maintaining too many bicycles, running too far, GM-ing TTRPGs, and, well, more software development obviously. #yyc #yycbike #cycling #running #linux #nixos #opensource #dnd #ttrpg
8 followers103 following15 posts