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Robert McNees
Professor and physicist. Black holes, quantum gravity, cosmology. Rocky Top. Tar Heel. Reposts are spooky action at a distance. These are my views, not my employer's. Just terrible at this.
3.7k followers464 following3.7k posts

Astronomer Annie Jump Cannon was born OTD in 1863. She was a pioneer of stellar classification and co-creator of the Harvard Classification Scheme. Over her lifetime she *manually* classified around 350,000 stars. 🧪 🔭 👩‍🔬 Image: Harvard University, Radcliffe Archives

Black and white photo of Annie Jump Cannon. She wears a white blouse or jacket, with a frilly collar, and a black choker. Her hair is short, and she is looking to the left of the photographer.

Plus she had a cool name. Sounds like some sci fi shit. A cannon that fires your ship into space


I feel bad for her that this is something we can now do automated in essentially a few hours

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Robert McNees
Professor and physicist. Black holes, quantum gravity, cosmology. Rocky Top. Tar Heel. Reposts are spooky action at a distance. These are my views, not my employer's. Just terrible at this.
3.7k followers464 following3.7k posts