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Robert McNees
Professor and physicist. Black holes, quantum gravity, cosmology. Rocky Top. Tar Heel. Reposts are spooky action at a distance. These are my views, not my employer's. Just terrible at this.
3.7k followers464 following3.7k posts

Lesser known: Before NASA and Apollo, Margaret Hamilton worked with mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz. From 1959-1961 she programmed weather simulations on his LGP-30 computer. Those projects were the precursors to his famous 1963 paper that marked the birth of chaos theory. 🧪 👩‍🔬 🔭


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Robert McNees
Professor and physicist. Black holes, quantum gravity, cosmology. Rocky Top. Tar Heel. Reposts are spooky action at a distance. These are my views, not my employer's. Just terrible at this.
3.7k followers464 following3.7k posts