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Robert McNees
Professor and physicist. Black holes, quantum gravity, cosmology. Rocky Top. Tar Heel. Reposts are spooky action at a distance. These are my views, not my employer's. Just terrible at this.
3.7k followers464 following3.7k posts

Fermi was known for asking students and colleagues questions that seemed, at first, to require complex physics or information they did not have access to. On a road trip he once asked: How thick will dust pile up on the windshield of our car if we’re driving at 60 mph?


A precise answer wasn’t the point. His questions were exercises in approximation. You chain together a bunch of estimates you feel reasonably confident in, to arrive at an answer that gives you an order-of-magnitude sense of whatever phenomenon. You’d be surprised what you know!

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Robert McNees
Professor and physicist. Black holes, quantum gravity, cosmology. Rocky Top. Tar Heel. Reposts are spooky action at a distance. These are my views, not my employer's. Just terrible at this.
3.7k followers464 following3.7k posts