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I will look on YouTube and set up a routine notification as I’m sure he will be worth following in the run up to 11/5, known as Guy Fawkes or Fireworks night in the UK, which could be very apposite, depending on your view of what the Election should hold for MAGA and Trump. Thanks for your help.

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I also realise I've completed total mental cleansing. Now when I read posts mentioning Johnson, my first thought is Brennan 😊

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I like the way that people started off with "well the prime minister has to wear a suit, it's basically work clothes", then migrated to "he's on the world stage, it has to be a good suit", it turns out it's £32k of donations and they have to go full Derek Workwear.

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Keir Starmer once sat in a rich friend's house.

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An uncommonly good YouTube comment. cc: @spurs #COYS#FediFC

Prior to this game, the narrative about Tottenham was they risked losing a game like this because Ange is naive, never had a plan B. (And if you think this isn’t the case, then you’re probably kidding to yourself). Relentlessly heard about how Spurs’ high line was going to leave them exposed to a Man United side, who had some of the best xG performances this season, despite the results.

So obviously, the narrative must now shift to “it was only Man United”. Because football narratives are overly simplistic and struggle to evolve. All it takes is to challenge the belief that Ange hasn’t changed. Because he quite clearly has: his fullbacks are inverting less (plenty of heat map data to prove this if the eye test fails), he’s now got creative players like Kulu and Maddison in the half spaces rather than said fullbacks. The transition defence is now much better. The set pieces defending is better. The pressing is more coordinated. All the stats prove this vs last season, and getting better as the season goes on. 

So really: if you want to believe the narrative that Ange is naive and will never adapt (because some half wit pundits keep repeating it), then by all means have at it. But don’t act surprised when the performances and results keep improving.
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Starmer's going to be in trouble when he has to register the gift value of this Tory party conference.

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Arrived in 🇬🇧, the land where people take queuing very seriously, except when you whisper in a slight panic to the last person in the queue if you might please go first because you will miss your connecting flight, and the entire queue goes: “Of course you have to go first darling. Run!” (I made it).

34 followers345 following13 posts