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Stefan Simon 🇪🇺🇺🇸 @318 ppm CO2
Heritage scientist. Director Rathgen Research Laboratory. 💚
27 followers28 following28 posts

A rainy evening in London in May. Safeguarding cultural heritage in a shifting climate: exciting debate hosted by Boris Pretzel & Bev Art with amazing panelists Stefan Michalski, Julie McCann, Jonathan Ashley-Smith & Jane Henderson . What a privilege!

Safeguarding Cultural Heritage in a Shifting Climate
Safeguarding Cultural Heritage in a Shifting Climate

00:00:00 Welcome from the Norwegian Ambassador to the UK - Tore Hattrem00:03:20 Christian Nielsen introduces the moderator, Boris Pretzel, and the story of h...


Fossil fuels apparently account for 75% plus of greenhouse gas emissions, which trap heat in the atmosphere and increase global temperatures, leading to more extreme weather events and Climate Crisis. The Vermont approach to hold „Big Oil“ accountable:

In historic move, Vermont becomes 1st state to pass law requiring fossil fuel companies to pay for climate change damages
In historic move, Vermont becomes 1st state to pass law requiring fossil fuel companies to pay for climate change damages

the law would require fossil fuel companies to contribute to a superfund that will be used to help the state adapt to climate change and develop more resilient infrastructure.


OTD, MemorialDay, and every day, we honor the brave men and women who gave their lives to liberate us from the Nazi plague and protect the freedom we cherish in Germany. We must not take this for granted. Ever. Thank you Glenn Miller


Are single-use non-disposable coffee-to-go cups, which do not biodegrade and remain in the environment for 100s of years, breaking down into harmful microplastics, really such a new thing or are they around since more than 500 ys? Bartolomäus Zeitblom, Sammlung Würth, Künzelsau


„The ultimate reason is continued global growth in the consumption of fossil fuels.” . What does this imply for museums? Building ever more museums with higher energy consumption just keeps adding bricks on the road to perdition


Claudia Roth eröffnet Jahrestagung des Deutschen Museumsbunds in Aschaffenburg mit Worten, die MuseumsmitarbeiterInnen gern hören: „Museen sind wichtig für das Überleben unserer Demokratie und das muss uns auch etwas wert sein.  Museen sind systemrelevant“ #DMB24


Join us April 16-17 in Berlin to debate „Resilient Cultural Heritage in Times of Climate Crisis“ in the European Partnership Resilient Cultural Heritage under the 2nd Horizon Europe Strategic Plan with focus on research and innovation

ARCHE Stakeholder Workshop on 16 and 17 April 2024 at the Kulturforum
ARCHE Stakeholder Workshop on 16 and 17 April 2024 at the Kulturforum

The Rathgen-Forschungslabor is holding the workshop “Resilient Cultural Heritage in Times of Climate Crisis”.


Good News: Museumsbund Österreich, Berufsverband Österreichischer Restauratorinnen und Restauratoren (ÖRV) und ARC - Austrian Registrars Committee schließen sich der Empfehlung des Deutschen Museumsbunds zur Erweiterung des Klimakorridors im Museum an.


This is insane. We need a Masterplan Museum Island 2024 which takes into account the climate crisis. The funds earmarked for the megalomania of the Pergamon Museum renovation correspond more less to the entire support from German MFA to Ukraine since 02/22

Berlin: Sanierung des Pergamonmuseums wird mindestens 121 Millionen Euro teurer
Berlin: Sanierung des Pergamonmuseums wird mindestens 121 Millionen Euro teurer

Die jüngste Kostenschätzung für die Sanierung des Pergamonmuseums beträgt 1,5 Milliarden Euro. Doch das ist nicht die ganze Summe. Wann die Museumsinsel fertig sein wird, wissen die Verantwortlichen n...


Wer Menschen ausgrenzt, sie gar vertreiben will, handelt deshalb nicht nur erschreckend inhuman und geschichtsvergessen, sondern zerstört auch die Zukunftsfähigkeit Deutschlands.

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Stefan Simon 🇪🇺🇺🇸 @318 ppm CO2
Heritage scientist. Director Rathgen Research Laboratory. 💚
27 followers28 following28 posts