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Jasmin Taylor
Deaf. NZSL (second language). Cis/she/her. Pākehā. Advocate for accessibility & inclusion. Trans rights are human rights. Aotearoa Formally kiwi_curly on Twitter Profile template (solidarity with Palestine) is from creatives.of.bahrain on insta
250 followers193 following706 posts
Reposted by Jasmin Taylor

The irony is that this cost saving method will cost billions more to the taxpayer, shovelling to private companies, than just building it by borrowing as a government should and is able to do.

Reposted by Jasmin Taylor

While the US is reinstating free covid RAT tests, NZ is ending our scheme, alongside resources & PPE for healthcare. How many kiwi lives need to be harmed or lost in the upcoming Christmas spike before the government recognises the need for free testing as a bare minimum? #equity#testing#covid

Reposted by Jasmin Taylor

There's something about Shane Jones' terrible oratory that makes you want to get a bit flowery in your parliamentary submissions.

Screenshot of submission on Parliamentary website. "I write in strong opposition to the Crown Minerals Amendment Bill, which is unnecessary, unhelpful, ideologically driven, and offers nothing positive to the people of Aotearoa New Zealand

I am a New Zealander who has always taken pride in our country’s progressive stance on environmental issues. I am the mother of a beautiful three-year-old whose future will be determined by the steps we take now as a country. I am a human being who understands that we only have one planet, and that our wellbeing is more important than the profit margins of overseas corporations.

It is appalling that the public have been given only four working days to make submissions on this Bill. It speaks to the Government’s total disregard for fundamental democratic accountability as well as its contempt for our land, air and water.
Text continues: I share the concerns of many New Zealanders and community organisations who have pointed out that this Bill:

-	disregards the scientific and public consensus on climate change
-	undermines te Tiriti o Waitangi, our foundational document
-	likely breaches our obligations to our trading partners 
-	disrespects our Pacific neighbours, who are disproportionately affected by the climate crisis
-	puts the people of New Zealand on the hook for cleaning up the mess once the multinationals have absconded with the profits

The (ir)responsible minister, Hon Shane Jones, has repeatedly stated that this Bill is necessary to restore the confidence of international investors in oil and gas.

I put it to our Parliament that any investors who see long-term profit in oil and gas are so thoroughly out of touch with reality that they shouldn’t be in charge of a go-kart, much less a company , and certainly should not be influencing our political decision-makers.
Text concludes: "Oil and gas is not the future, for Aotearoa or the planet. We should not sacrifice everything that makes our country precious so short-sighted money men can keep living in their fool’s paradise." Under "recommendations" it reads: "Reject this foolish legislation."
Reposted by Jasmin Taylor
Reposted by Jasmin Taylor

Just a reminder- Sir John Key is being sued for insider trading in the USA. #nzpol anyone not mentioning that when covering him is making a choice

Reposted by Jasmin Taylor

Do you know someone who would be a great Principal Analyst for the Public Health Advisory Committee (which I chair)? If so, give them a nudge, as applications close in a couple of days:

Reposted by Jasmin Taylor

multiple trans women were abused by Sophie From Mars. Sophie is also trying to block anyone mentioning her past abusive behavior. direct link to her account so you can easily block:

Reposted by Jasmin Taylor

Listen, if you're not up to much today, celebrate Daylight Savings with my new book 'Migration'. It's got time travel in it 💞 #writingcommunity#books#YA

Cover of my new YA book called 'Migration'. You can get it at the library or buy it from anywhere, even Amazon. People seem to like it, which is a relief because it took a bloody long time to write, and it would have been terrible to waste so much time on something that everyone hated. So yay me!


Reposted by Jasmin Taylor

According to RNZ News 8 am today, (no link,) 87 deaths in #disability#ableism

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Jasmin Taylor
Deaf. NZSL (second language). Cis/she/her. Pākehā. Advocate for accessibility & inclusion. Trans rights are human rights. Aotearoa Formally kiwi_curly on Twitter Profile template (solidarity with Palestine) is from creatives.of.bahrain on insta
250 followers193 following706 posts