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Dr. Katharine Dickson
Postdoc @ Hess Lab @ UC Davis. Taking methane out of cow burps with microbiome engineering at the bench and poking at ag climate policy away from it. PhD from UCSB. 日本語を勉強しています。Opinions my own. Bluesky’s first Anaerobic Fungi Guru. She/her.
1.4k followers1.9k following1.9k posts

I applied to CCST in grad school! That is one of the options in my pocket for when my tenure at UC Davis is up.


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Dr. Katharine Dickson
Postdoc @ Hess Lab @ UC Davis. Taking methane out of cow burps with microbiome engineering at the bench and poking at ag climate policy away from it. PhD from UCSB. 日本語を勉強しています。Opinions my own. Bluesky’s first Anaerobic Fungi Guru. She/her.
1.4k followers1.9k following1.9k posts