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our flag means death note
Mae transsexual disaster 🏳️‍⚧️any/all pronouns are 🤙 writer etc. nemo supersit solus DMs always open PNW Based i'm 1000 years old followback t4t always
1.9k followers1.3k following31.1k posts

Q for trans men plz n ty: someone v. close to me is going thru some gender stuff and they're having trouble w/ something i can't offer guidance on how do u handle discovering ur a man when men have abused & r*ped u ur entire life? they hate men and now are having real trouble w/ these feelings


oof. this is a lot. this will sound reductive, because it’s a phrase that some unhelpful men will say, but I promise it’s in good faith: not all men. I have been abused by both men and women, repeatedly. the thing that made them do that, imo, is not to do with their gender.


I haven't read the whole thing (it's not that long I just have no attention span for essays) but maybe could be helpful? If there's anything more specific or personal I can offer feel free to DM (you or the person in question), I'm happy to talk

On Hating Men (And Becoming One Anyway)
On Hating Men (And Becoming One Anyway)

big part of unlearning black-and-white thinking is learning to speak in “and also” statements; this technique is popular among both prison abolitionists and dialectical behavior therapists. I have …

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our flag means death note
Mae transsexual disaster 🏳️‍⚧️any/all pronouns are 🤙 writer etc. nemo supersit solus DMs always open PNW Based i'm 1000 years old followback t4t always
1.9k followers1.3k following31.1k posts