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Midwest Mulcahy
You can't let go, you can't stop, you can't rewind, Love is learned over time 'Til you're an expert in a dying field
41 followers52 following184 posts

A line Iā€™ve come back to over and over again through the years: ā€œWe blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree, and wither and perish but naught changeth Thee.ā€ I hope someone puts it on my headstone.


Iā€™m learning that having emotional and spiritual maturity at one stage in your life doesnā€™t necessarily mean you will carry it with you to the next.


Iā€™m in a very different place than I thought I would be: A little ELCA church thatā€™s just kind of quietly doing its own thing. Nothing all that exciting. Just an hour each week, with a little bit of charitable giving on the side. Iā€™m not trying to get too involved.


Yes. Thatā€™s the side I didnā€™t mention. That uplifting energy quickly wanes after I get home, and I find myself returning to a feeling of ā€œEh. Why bother?ā€


I donā€™t remember much from grade school, but in 7th-12th I did history projects on the Buffalo Soldiers, Dred Scott, Harry Truman, George Washington Carver, and William Henry Jackson.


Every Sunday morning, I dread going to church. But then I go. And I find that nothing energizes me, sparks reflection, and motivates my imagination quite like worship does. It really is a blessing.


Honestly, I think a combination of going to therapy regularly and spending time praying the Daily Office makes spiritual direction kind of superfluous, another unnecessary hurdle. But then again, I have no authority in the church whatsoever, so Iā€™m not privy to the rationales of the institution.


Yeah, thatā€™s been my experience, too. In our diocese itā€™s actually required for discernment, if I remember correctly. Itā€™s fine, I guess, but itā€™s never really been my cup of tea. Iā€™ve found it to be less helpful than therapy, because at least therapists will occasionally offer practical advice.


Wounded folks often make some of the best healers.


Same. Iā€™ve had spiritual directors who were incredibly kind, sensitive, and thoughtful people. But never gave me much ā€œdirectionā€ at all.

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Midwest Mulcahy
You can't let go, you can't stop, you can't rewind, Love is learned over time 'Til you're an expert in a dying field
41 followers52 following184 posts