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Mike Sager (Complimentary)
Security, rock and roll, dad jokes. Fan of The National and The Nationals. At a security startup, but like a cool one. Former CTO at EMILY’s List, and worked a lot of other places before that. I’m not here to argue or debate anyone; I just block.
426 followers507 following1.6k posts

All the counts in here are for account takeover attacks (via phishing). Per my, admittedly quick, read, EVERY single one of these could have been prevented by simply adopting a FIDO2 based security key or passkey as the second factor with the elimination of alternate backups. Every single thing here


Just got a fraud alert text from “chase” that has lotsa hinky.


Sure, FIDO/Biometrics/better 2FA all would help but so would BASIC INTERNET TRAINING TO NOT FALL FOR SCAMS THAT TYPICALLY ONLY WORK ON NON-TECHNICAL ELDERLY FOLKS but maybe that is asking a lot for these people to use critical thinking.


I've been very annoying everywhere I've worked for the last 8 years about adopting security keys. The reason why? Because they work.

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Mike Sager (Complimentary)
Security, rock and roll, dad jokes. Fan of The National and The Nationals. At a security startup, but like a cool one. Former CTO at EMILY’s List, and worked a lot of other places before that. I’m not here to argue or debate anyone; I just block.
426 followers507 following1.6k posts