Christian Endres
Autor, Journalist, Comic-Redakteur für Panini, Buchmensch | Fantasy, Science Fiction, Krimi | | Neuester Roman: Der SF-Krimi "Wolfszone" bei Heyne
243 followers177 following418 posts
Reposted by Christian Endres

My cartoon for this week’s Guardian Books.

Caption: The other squirrels laughed, but Carol knew that the key to surviving the harsh winter months was a store with the correct ratio of nuts to novels”
Image: A squirrel inside a hollow tree arranges a books and various types of nut on a set of wooden shelves.
Reposted by Christian Endres

My cartoon for this week’s Guardian Books.

Panel one:

Two small figures stand before a huge machine.

One says “Our startup has innovated the human writer out of the publishing process. This machine can write sixty-five books an hour.”

A conveyor belt at the front of the machine dispatches a continuous stream of books.

Panel two:

They walk across the workshop.
The second figure, who is reading one of the books, says “but will people actually want to read this stuff?”

Panel three:

They have reached a second huge machine. 

“The real beauty of our integrated system” says the first figure “is that it also frees companies from the tyranny of human readers”. 

A conveyor belt at the front of the machine dispatches a continuous stream of robot readers, happily consuming the content from the other machine.
Reposted by Christian Endres

Es muss in der Fantasy nicht immer um Blut und Spice gehen. Einfach mal abhängen, Tasse Tee trinken, spazieren gehen, Marmelade einkochen usw. geht auch. Und zwar in der Cozy Fantasy. Alessandra Ress erklärt euch dieses grundentspannte Genre.

Cozy Fantasy: Alles, was du über das Genre wissen musst
Cozy Fantasy: Alles, was du über das Genre wissen musst

Ob Aliens, Magie oder Vampire – bei TOR ONLINE wirst du in den Artikeln und Buchempfehlungen zu Science-Fiction und Fantasy garantiert fündig!

Reposted by Christian Endres

My cartoon for Guardian Books’ autumn reading special.

A beautiful, smiling pile of new books labelled "New Books for Autumn" innocently attracts the attentions of a young man. Beside him, his pile of books (labelled "Unfinished Summer Reading") notices this and scowls at him.

The image is a cartoon pastiche of the ‘distracted boyfriend’ meme.

Zamonisches Eichhörnchen, kybernetischer Wolf, serienmörder-ermordeter Fuchs: Eine schöne Reihe im Schmidt und Kurtze in #Karlstadt#Roman#Wolfszone#WalterMoers#DanyaKukafka#krimi#sciencefiction#zamonien


Für DieZukunft habe ich gerade die frischgebackene

Reposted by Christian Endres

Morgen! Im Unfug Kreuzberg! Um 13:00 Uhr!! Spektentakulär!

Spektentakulär! Signierstunde von Bela Sobottke und Michael Vogt, 07.09.2024 ab 13:00 Uhr im Comicladen Grober Unfug, Zossener Str. 33, 10961
Christian Endres
Autor, Journalist, Comic-Redakteur für Panini, Buchmensch | Fantasy, Science Fiction, Krimi | | Neuester Roman: Der SF-Krimi "Wolfszone" bei Heyne
243 followers177 following418 posts