Jeff Stockwell
Dad, nerd, storyteller. Roll for initiative!
7 followers61 following30 posts

It’s a little out of date by the USA show Burn Notice gave me the idea for a show about a super hero whose secret ID was revealed on CNN and he has to go into the witness protection program, and now he has to be a super secret her to hide it from his SHIELD handler.

1 I just got finished watching the TNG episode “Darmok” (for the umpteenth time) and it hit me, the entire Tamarian civilization is a bunch of people saying “It’s like that time on that episode of the Simpsons…” or doing quotes from Caddyshack.


I just got finished watching the TNG episode “Darmok” and it hit me, the entire Tamarian civilization is a bunch of people saying “It’s like that time on that episode of the Simpsons…” or doing quotes from Caddyshack. #startrek


Hot on the heels of their last mission, Simon Kovalic and the Special Projects Team find themselves out in the cold and on the run from their own government. Burned spies, sinister crime bosses, space train heists, and more safe houses than Zillow can handle.


Do you like sci-fi adventure? Do you like John LeCarre-style spy thrillers? How about a little Mission: Impossible? @dmoren has done it again, as he closes out his epic spy-fi Galactic Cold War series with The Armageddon Protocol! My second favorite book of 2024!


You do recognize that Hamas has been “bombing the fuck” out of Israel and its civilians for a decade. And Hezbollah has been “bombing the fuck” out of northern Israel for the better part of a year.


When Vance ran for Senate he was a very different guy. He was coming off the big success of his book and the movie, and he ran as a more conventional, pre-Trump conservative. Being a shameless opportunist, when he saw the GOP tide turning toward Trump he changed his tune right quick.


I just rented a Chevy Tahoe that had this style shifter (set vertically, tho) and I HATED it. This is the WORST!


These things are terrible! We just bought a car, and while we liked everything else about the Ford Explorer this dial shifter was one of the big reasons we didn't buy it.


If you're a resident of Pennsylvania you can get a free digital library card from the Philadelphia Public Library and borrow through Libby.

Jeff Stockwell
Dad, nerd, storyteller. Roll for initiative!
7 followers61 following30 posts