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Mistigris computer arts
604-based underground computer arts collective est. 1994. Textmode, hirez, pixelart, music, programs... surprise us!
197 followers244 following724 posts

Mistigram: look at this imposing public building AdeptApril has drawn in #ANSIart! It represents a vast trove of data the government collects about you. But your taxes pay for it, and you're entitled to it! Write the FBI and request a copy of your file! If you don't have one yet, they will open one

A big, scary public building, looking like an ancient Greek temple, stores dossiers on every living man, woman and child.

Mistigram: this red #ANSIart#scarf, drawn by AdeptApril, lacks only a neck to warm.

This garment, arcing like a gnarly parkour loop-de-loop, looks like the red carpet that Tony Hawk shares with Olympic gymnasts as they disembark the limo to the moving-three-dimensionally afterparty

Mistigram: AdeptApril celebrates today's European Day of Languages, not quite mapping greetings in different tongues to each of #ANSIart's 16 colours, but close! Usually Romance, Germanic and Slavic languages are represented, but don't sleep on the Uralic languages and the slippery Basque tongue!

AdeptApril proclaims: European Day of Languages - September 26th.  Time to celebrate European linguistic diversity! ... and maybe work on that 2nd/3rd/4th language.  (Included are an assortment of greetings in varied European languages.)

Mistigram: AdeptApril has introduced us (and, I suspect, you) to #MathStorytelling#ANSIart screen, which is as best as I can tell an occasion to focus on using word problems in arithmetic to help keep all the numbers from getting too abstract.

A knight in armour stands in the way of graphing a rational function.

Mistigram: the subject may? be better suited to ASCII art than the #ANSIart#Punctuation Day! and there are many valid semantic uses for these marks... beyond the "creative" abuses we saddle them with here in the world of textmode art.

In the darkness of the terminal, a white question mark is followed by a period, a comma, a quotation mark and an interrobang.  It's practically a program in the Brainfuck language!

Mistigram: if your local bi person is wearing this colourful flag, as illustrated in #ANSIart here by AdeptApril, they will certainly be visible for Bi Visibility Day. The pink stripe means same-sex attraction, the blue stripe the opposite. This is a Venn diagram!

a landscape-oriented rectangle consists of a pink rectangle on top, a blue rectangle along the bottom, and a thin purple area where the two zones overlap

Mistigram: for unknown reasons, AdeptApril omitted the caption on today's #ANSIart#Rhino#rhinoceros -- White, Black, Indian, Javan, and Sumatran.

Against impressionistic yellows and browns of the savanna plains, a rhinoceros wearily lowers its wrinkled grey head with its eye closed

Mistigram: AdeptApril drew this #ANSIart#ThankYou#gratitude once in a while.

A white thank-you note juts diagonally up into a brown field

Mistigram: Do colourless green ideas sleep furiously? How would you draw #gibberish#ANSIart. Why is a raven like a writing desk? I must speak with the dolphins now. Eeeee-eeee-eee-eeeeeee!

Next to a mass of jumbled white letters spaced like words but containing no meaning, an orange curve arcs through the blackness as the signal to noise ratio approaches zero.
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Mistigris computer arts
604-based underground computer arts collective est. 1994. Textmode, hirez, pixelart, music, programs... surprise us!
197 followers244 following724 posts