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From Richard Arkwright to Henry Ford to the silicon valley broligarchs these new pioneers are always brutal monopolists with a sideline in hard right politics. Mainly because the quickest way to the top in any industry is to fuck over anyone who you see as a rival then gatekeep anyone else out.


AI, like all new technology, will destroy old artisan industries but create new ones that will bring new jobs. This is true of every technology historically, however it's also true that those who will control it and profit from it most will always be the worst fucking people imaginable.


It's great for everything, but especially for Troughton playing a slightly different version of his doctor who character. Fewer synths, and no clannad though.


About 90% of my under ten childhood was spent running in the woods pretending I was in Robin of sherwood. That and the box of delights probably had a bigger effect on me than anything else. Might explain my love of ghostly synth music....


Of course Democrats go out of their way not to help themselves. Pack the supreme court to make things fair? No thanks. Try to end the electoral college? Nah. Get rid of trumps guy who still runs postal voting? Why bother! Dems insist on playing fair when their opponents are literal criminals.


Its not like trump hasn't already broadcast their entire secret plan for cheating in the election for the last four years, and relies on incompetents, piss nazis and conspiracy theorists. Every time they get close to total power the only thing stopping them is their own ineptitude.


Once again it is shown that the Democrats don't win on policy in the US, but win because the republicans are the worst human beings imaginable. I mean, they'd already have created their racist theocracy completely by now if they were a little more competent and a little less comically evil.


He has had such an easy ride his entire life, got away with so many crimes because he was born rich, white, and male that the only thing that will bring him down is his own hubris. It certainly won't be any political institution, since they are hard wired to support people like him.


Because the fact is as abhorrent Trumps policies are the only reason he will lose this election is because he is such a lazy, ignorant shitbag that he refuses to even make the most basic attempts to run a proper campaign. He is so used to getting everything his own way he has never needed to bother.


If Trump loses the election the republicans can either move back to a centre right position and be less racist to take in more traditional Hispanic voters to win. Or they can just run the same exact policies but with a guy who is not a dribbling lunatic, and win. Who knows which way they will go?

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