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M.L. Eaden
M.L. Eaden works by day in the tech industry, but at night, she reads books, writes stories, throws axes, and is an avid gamer with a current addiction to Azul. Goto: for more!
52 followers105 following60 posts

This will probably be the closest my books ever get to a Top 100 list, and that's all because people took a chance today and bought my book, Prince's Tide! #QYB Thank you!! 💞💞💞💞💞

amazon rankings for Prince's Tide, August 16th 2024. 26,055 - Kindle store, #211 in LGBTQ+ Fantasy, #347 in Urban Fantasy, #843 in Gay Romance.

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M.L. Eaden
M.L. Eaden works by day in the tech industry, but at night, she reads books, writes stories, throws axes, and is an avid gamer with a current addiction to Azul. Goto: for more!
52 followers105 following60 posts