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Joey | mojosec | The Least, Maybe
quite literally a useless piece of plastic full of strangely deliberately placed dead ants writing poems and music, lest my heart fill to bursting… he/him
780 followers562 following8.2k posts

I hope this poem finds you… You are loved. You are beautiful. And you are not alone.

I hope this poem finds you.
I hope it finds you
right where you are,
just as you are,
and it sees you
and it smiles a smile
so bright and so big
and so warm it reaches out
and fills you with light
from head to toe
and you cannot help
but smile back
even if only the tiniest bit.
I hope it finds you
and reminds you
wherever you are,
whatever you’re going through,
you are not alone,
that dark as it may get
there is always light,
and you can always try again.
I hope it finds you
and it tells you
over and over and over again
how beautiful you are
and even if you can’t feel it,
you are loved.

wherever you are, whatever you're going through, you are not alone, that dark as it may get there is always light, and you can always try again. This. This is what I needed to read. 🖤

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Joey | mojosec | The Least, Maybe
quite literally a useless piece of plastic full of strangely deliberately placed dead ants writing poems and music, lest my heart fill to bursting… he/him
780 followers562 following8.2k posts