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Mel -- (MonarchFisher)
Artist & Storyteller (HE/THEY). Disabled & Queer. Many a bard, often a cleric, never not worldbuilding.
232 followers256 following461 posts
Reposted by Mel -- (MonarchFisher)

Veel jongeren die ik spreek over euthanasie willen leven, maar weten niet hoe. Goede hulp is er niet. Een uitzichtloze wachtlijst wel. Als ik zie dat dit kabinet geen énkele prioriteit geeft aan betere GGZ, vraag ik me af of NSC het goede gesprek start.

NSC wil onderzoek naar 'riskante' toename euthanasie onder jongeren
NSC wil onderzoek naar 'riskante' toename euthanasie onder jongeren

Vorig jaar kregen 22 30-minners euthanasie vanwege psychisch lijden. In 2020 waren er dat nog vijf.


I'm rewatching D&D Honor Among Thieves and it's still an incredibly good movie

Reposted by Mel -- (MonarchFisher)

this is fucking batshit, you should not have to have a corporate manual on every shell company a food delivery service also owns that you now have no rights left with because you had a bagel one time, everyone involved in this needs to be in jail

Reposted by Mel -- (MonarchFisher)

Trump's literally calling for the purge.

Reposted by Mel -- (MonarchFisher)

PayPal is updating their ToS to let themselves give your data to merchants starting in November and they're certainly banking on people not knowing to opt out, SO to opt out before they start: go to Settings > Data & Privacy > Manage shared info > Personalized shopping, and toggle that shit off

Screenshot of PayPal's Terms of Service update, outlining their "personalized shopping" feature where they allow themselves the right to give info about you to other companies

I've been making a list of housing stuff I'm gonna have to get and ah... things are EXPENSIVE. Dutch practice is that you have to get your own flooring, stove, oven, curtains, fridge, freezer, everything. I'm learning I'm going to have to go without a couch or table for a bit.


Me, someone with a disorder that causes inexplicable, debilitating muscle pain, whenever I have inexplicable, debilitating muscle pain:

Reposted by Mel -- (MonarchFisher)

Mentioned the other day that I feel I managed to figure out the sizing/proportions of images on Bluesky. Thought I'd throw together a quick reference for anyone interested. I don't like uploading high res images for various reasons. Hope this makes sense and helps others who might be interested.

Diagram showing image sizes/proportions of on the Bluesky feed. Accompanied by the following text.
Bluesky currently does not crop your image, but will proportionately scale the image to fit within a 503(width)x503(height) container. If for example your image has a width of 1080 and a height of 1920 it will be scaled down to a width of 283 and a height of 503 to fit within the container.

However when posting multiple images(currently max of 4) you iamge will be cropped and scaled. With the exception of posts with 4 images, multi image posts are not even divisions of the 503x503 container. 

NOTE: Sizes are rounded numbers to accommodate for imaging software sizing.

I got assigned urgency status on housing in the area! This means they'll push my application to the front of the list and I'll actually have a shot at housing!!! o_o

Reposted by Mel -- (MonarchFisher)

Just select "Subscribe," and choose "block accounts" from the dropdown! It'll do it all for you, and auto-update to block any new accounts added.

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Mel -- (MonarchFisher)
Artist & Storyteller (HE/THEY). Disabled & Queer. Many a bard, often a cleric, never not worldbuilding.
232 followers256 following461 posts