Kai L. Fuchs
Trying to write the stories I want to read but cannot find in book stores. Yet unfinished, therefore unpublished. Darn logic.
25 followers94 following27 posts

Sounds familiar. I currently try to just describe the scene to get it from head to paper, and actually write it only in a second go. For me, this helps (occasionally) … Still kind of frustrating.


I try that sometimes too, mostly when I have a stronger scene in mine I want to jump to. Today my focus was on chapter 1, so I feel like I had to struggle through it I order to get the MCs voice in my mind. I managed to finish the chapter, so we’ll see what I think of it when I get to revising. 😊

Kai L. Fuchs
Trying to write the stories I want to read but cannot find in book stores. Yet unfinished, therefore unpublished. Darn logic.
25 followers94 following27 posts