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The Calitaliano Kid 😎🥥🌴🇺🇦
U.S. Patriot and 5th generation Californian emigrated to Italy. Fighting Fascism and Trumpism from afar! Ex Twitter and Post News, where I thought I had found a home. 🥲 Focus; #TrumpTrials #ChristoFascism #MeidasTouch #StandWithUkraine #HarrisWalz2024
593 followers526 following3.4k posts

The “Trump playbook” only makes sense in the context of a person suffering a severe case of NPD, Narcissistic Personality Disorder! Throw in a few Sociopathic & Psycopathic character traits and guess what… You’ve got tRvmp! 🤷‍♂️ Sam Ray,

The trump playbook is an illusion
The trump playbook is an illusion

Narcissist psychology explains everything.


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The Calitaliano Kid 😎🥥🌴🇺🇦
U.S. Patriot and 5th generation Californian emigrated to Italy. Fighting Fascism and Trumpism from afar! Ex Twitter and Post News, where I thought I had found a home. 🥲 Focus; #TrumpTrials #ChristoFascism #MeidasTouch #StandWithUkraine #HarrisWalz2024
593 followers526 following3.4k posts