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Dr. Dawn Bowdish
Professor of Medicine, McMaster University Canada Research Chair of Aging & Immunity Executive Director of the Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health
1.1k followers2.2k following163 posts

Thanks to the whole (unfortunately not on Bluesky team)! This was an incredibly fun and challenging project to work on but has cemented my commitment to considering sex in all the research we do. 👩‍🔬🧪🦠🚨 12/12


Caveats: This was a non-frail, mostly white population - aging & immunology studies show tremendous differences by location so needs to be reproduced. Gut permeability measures were done by looking at serum markers - easy on the participant but indirect at best. 11/n


Why? Well the female gut changes dramatically during pregnancy to increase nutrient absorption - perhaps that is why women seem to have more permeability over the life-course. We are doing some cool ongoing studies in vitro looking at male vs female monocytes ability to break the gut barrier. 10/n


Tl;dr The age-related leaky gut -> increased circulating bacterial products -> systemic inflammation hypothesis may only be true in females! (also - always investigate sex in your research) 9/n


Human studies are observational so we turned to mice to understand the chain of causality. Old female, but not male, mice did indeed have leakier guts and this seemed to be caused by TNF produced by the elevated number of circulating inflammatory monocytes. 8/n

Figure 5. Only old female mice get leaky guts. This appears to be due to monocyte produced TNF.

...that women appeared to have leakier guts over the life course (as measured by the serum marker zonulin- imperfect), and only women had evidence of an age-associated increase in the bacterial product LPS in their serum. Could the leaky gut hypothesis be female specific? 7/n

Figure 3. Women have higher serum zonuin over the life course and only women have a stat sig increase in LPS in the serum over the life course.

Evidence for the 'leaky gut' hypothesis is weak in healthy humans (despite what the probiotic industry might say). Leakiness is generally found in people who have comorbidities, or are frail so we looked at healthy/non-frail male (41) females (54) btw 20-102 yrs and were surprised to find...6/n


One of the major theories is that with age a dysbiotic microbiota causes the gut to become leaky (alternatively, the gut gets leaky with age and this alters the microbiota). Bacterial products leak out and cause inflammation. We've published in mice, others in other model organisms 5/n

Age-Associated Microbial Dysbiosis Promotes Intestinal Permeability, Systemic Inflammation, and Macrophage Dysfunction
Age-Associated Microbial Dysbiosis Promotes Intestinal Permeability, Systemic Inflammation, and Macrophage Dysfunction

Systemic inflammation increases with age, but the underlying causes are debated. Using young and old germ-free and conventional mice, Thevaranjan et al. demonstrate that age-related microbiota changes...


We were surprised by the magnitude of sex differences but immunology is literally one of the worst disciplines when it comes to reporting by sex By why do we 'inflamm-age' in the first place? Might the mechanisms of inflamm-aging differ by sex 4/n

Reporting and misreporting of sex differences in the biological sciences
Reporting and misreporting of sex differences in the biological sciences

A review of studies in the life sciences shows that inappropriate statistical approaches may distort conclusions on sex differences.


Men & women age differently ('men die quicker, women live sicker')so it stands to reason they might 'inflam-age' differently, but very few studies on aging investigate sex differences in the aging trajectory. We looked at cellular & soluble inflammatory markers and saw sex differences! 3/n

Table 3 showing sex differences in circulating monocyte populations. (i.e., 'cellular inflammation'
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Dr. Dawn Bowdish
Professor of Medicine, McMaster University Canada Research Chair of Aging & Immunity Executive Director of the Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health
1.1k followers2.2k following163 posts