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Naomi Alderman
I write novels (eg The Power, new novel is The Future), I make games (eg Zombies, Run!), unorthodox Jew. not-getting-into-pointless-arguments-on-the-internet is an act of revolution. However complex you think things are, they're more complex than that
11.9k followers441 following4.8k posts

At no point have I thought of any of them “oh that’s a serious intellectual/ethical heavyweight loss to the party”


Yeah. We seem to be going through a bit of a phase of “single-issue MPs discover that the government facing the economic aftermath of austerity and Brexit has more important things to deal with than their one issue and then they strop off”.


I notice that you implied that I think a lot of things I never said eg denial of any health links. And that is another way that fat people are humiliated and shamed in public, suggesting that we are somehow in denial, ignorant or thick.


and that by bringing up health when I'm talking about shaming, humiliation and hatred, you are contributing to normalising and legitimising what really is Just Another Boring Basic Body Prejudice also that fat people have really heard it all about health, thanks, and how it's used to humiliate us


I guess what I would say is the following: given that the way that people are with fat people is REALLY SIMILAR to the way that people are with other kinds of hatred (eg based on skin colour, sexuality etc) consider that "health" is just a fig leaf for Just Another Baseless Hatred


Because I didn’t say anything about health. I talked about shaming. So I’m not sure why you would bring up health, and maybe that’s something you could consider for yourself. This is sailing very close to “pointless arguments on the internet” I must say. I try to avoid them.


What facts are you talking about? I mean. Look. It sounds like you might be trying to say “thin people have to be horrible to fat people - it’s natural and unavoidable to fear being fat because of the health problems associated with fatness”. Is it that? Otherwise why are you bringing up health?


Can you spell out your argument here? It’s sounding quite bad to me, I have to be honest, but I don’t want to put words in your mouth.


So to make this analogy explicit: you think fat-shaming is an expression of people’s hatred of their own bodies & fat areas in them? Maybe! Somewhat! I think there are a lot of eg misogynist, ableist and racist forces in there too. I hope you’re not suggesting hating fat bodies is eg “natural”?


I think there are some buried assumptions here that I’m finding it hard to unpick. What does “come to terms with their food habits” mean? What does “I feel this goes overlooked” mean? I have to be honest it sounds like you’re avoiding saying something directly & I wonder what that is….

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Naomi Alderman
I write novels (eg The Power, new novel is The Future), I make games (eg Zombies, Run!), unorthodox Jew. not-getting-into-pointless-arguments-on-the-internet is an act of revolution. However complex you think things are, they're more complex than that
11.9k followers441 following4.8k posts