The Cambrian Mammal
Please use #AltText. Spoilery! (Wheel of Time, Star Wars, Cosmere etc) Nerd by nature, biologist by training, corporate cog by necessity. Martial art student, weekend Viking, tinkerer with worlds. She/her. Pfp by Memo
208 followers149 following1k posts

#WotBookSpoilers#WoTtober 19: Fade. (Or is it?) "Osan'gar would have thought the Myrddraal's bloodless lips twitched in a smile, except that was impossible, here or anywhere. Even Trollocs had a sense of humor, if a vile and violent one, but not Myrddraal." - LoC: Prologue

Black ballpoint pen doodle of the hooded head of a Fade. Its pale, eyeless face wears a tiny, mocking smile.

The Fade's face is that of a middle-aged man, except there's only smooth pale skin where his eyes would be.

His hood and high-collared coat are all variations on black shaded with different kinds of pen strokes to set them apart. The background is a slightly lighter, vaguely oval blob of shadow.

#WoTBookSpoilers#WoTtober 20: sister. Kinda sorta. "I want you to answer a question," he whispered. [...] "What would you do if I took that collar off your neck?" "I would free my sisters, if it pleases the Light that should happen." - WH:31

Black ballpoint pen doodle of Mat and the Windfinder damane shaking hands in the darkness.

They're both shadows, little more than silhouettes, and shown from the hips up. The Windfinder is a woman with short curly hair, a blanket draped across her lower body. Her upper body is twisted towards Mat as she grips his hand. The simple collar around her neck is the only part of her that isn't dark.

Mat has his broad-brimmed hat on, and just a hint of pale lace spilling from his collar. He's facing her, leaning forwards a bit.
The Cambrian Mammal
Please use #AltText. Spoilery! (Wheel of Time, Star Wars, Cosmere etc) Nerd by nature, biologist by training, corporate cog by necessity. Martial art student, weekend Viking, tinkerer with worlds. She/her. Pfp by Memo
208 followers149 following1k posts