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Nate O
An ‘academic’ per Daily Mail ✡️ 🏳️‍🌈 (he/him)
3k followers773 following5k posts

Kemi Badenoch: not all cultures are equally valid Me: You mean like white supremacy? Badenoch: LOL not those views Me: So....anti-trans hate, Islamophobia and anti-GRT bigotry? Badenoch: Haha no not those views either Me: Which views, exactly? Badenoch: Oh, you know the ones

Culture is more than cuisine or clothes. It’s also customs which may be at odds with British values. We cannot be naïve and assume immigrants will automatically abandon ancestral ethnichostilities at the border, or that all cultures are equally valid. They are not. I am struck for example, by the number of recent immigrants to the UK who hate Israel. That sentiment has no place here. We must recognise that the world has changed. When I moved back to this country 30 years ago, it was impossible to communicate quickly with my family. Letters would take weeks to arrive, I had to schedule calls with the few people who had working telephones let alone mobiles

Is Badenoch by any chance fervently in favour of free speech and free thought (except to do with Israel)?


Is Badenoch by any chance massively pro-free speech and thought, although co dictionary apply?


Also ethnichostilities is not a single word.


Badenoch’s article scans like it was written by an especially dim racist child. Every sentence the same length. Most complex word is ‘immigrant’. I assume it’s intentional but why pitch it at the Telegraph when it’s below the level of the average Daily Mail reader?

Kemi Badenoch
Migrants who come to Britain must uphold its traditions, not change them
Our country is not a dormitory for people to come here and make money. It is our home. We expect them to share our values and cultures
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Nate O
An ‘academic’ per Daily Mail ✡️ 🏳️‍🌈 (he/him)
3k followers773 following5k posts