The Glandalorian
PROUD Dem! If you are a MAGAT douchebag or some other righty-aligned POS, don't bother talking to me, just assume that I hate your fucking guts.
41 followers132 following433 posts

Yup, and it drives me bonkers. On one side, we have a highly intelligent, credentialed and successful candidate, the other side, a candidate who should be in a home. he's moronic, sociopathic, and has onset dementia. Yet they are in a dead heat. It makes me disgusted.


Motherfucker says this at the same time one of the most unhinged MEN I've ever seen is running for president??? Like...are you fucking kidding me right now???


Hey, I thought inflation was crippling the magats?


If they weren't such assholes, I might feel sorry for them. I saw plenty of "HAHAHA, FUCK YOU LIBS, TRUMP'S GONNA MAKE US ALL RICH!" type posts over investing in Truth Social. So fuck em, I hope they all lose their asses, and I'm going to laugh mine off.


Exactly. Just because Trump is an incompetent buffoon, doesn't mean the people around him aren't. They are putting the people around him they need to seriously fuck this country up, for good. For people with half a brain or heart, voting Trump should NOT be an option. EVER.


Ahhhh Well, that negates everything I just said, lol


NYT: "Trump Hosts Poignant Discussion Regarding Pronouns"


He's dumb, he's a sociopath, and now has obvious signs of dementia. Republicans: "Sounds like a perfect candidate for the presidency!" Bunch of fucking clowns.


I want one fucking person voting for this asshole to tell me what the FUCK he is even talking about here.


Holy shit, so did I!!! "Don't forget your flu shot!"

The Glandalorian
PROUD Dem! If you are a MAGAT douchebag or some other righty-aligned POS, don't bother talking to me, just assume that I hate your fucking guts.
41 followers132 following433 posts